I belong to a group of few programmers that been developing win CE 4.2
application using C#.
The application has extensive amount of screens and features.
The problem is that recently we've been facing a major memory leak problem.
A big effort was made to solve the problem; many potential memory leaks were
found and fixed.
Though the decrease of the free memory is now reduced, still the application
is consuming memory once used for a long time in some cyclic scenarios.
The types of memory leaks we found:
a) Bitmaps that were not disposed and released.
b) Events of template forms (used constantly by the app) that where not
removed (-=) once their usage stopped.
A second problem we face is that the application is getting slower after
(4-5 hr of usage or 2-3 days of standby but not idle).
We don’t see a direct relation between the memory consumption and the
slowing problem.
The questions I have are:
1) What other coding mistakes can cause managed code memory leaks?
2) What is causing the slowing problem?
3) We've been using Entrek to monitor memory leaks, the problem is that it
can help only with Unmanaged API calls and as far as I see it now, with
limited success.
What I'm looking for is a tool to track managed memory leaks do you know if
such tool exists?
4) Do you know of any tips and trick to handle a device that its memory
already leaked in a faster and cleaner way than restarting it (which is the
only option I can see now).