Greetings, all!
I hope this is not off-topic for this group but I have an annoying problem
that apparently has to do with memory in my workbook. I am using Excel 2002
SP-1. I have a workbook that consists of 7 worksheets and is only 589 KB but
I have a large number of charts. When the number of charts started to
increase I started to get the error message, "No more new fonts may be
applied to this workbook" even though I was not adding any new fonts. Now I
cannot even click on a pull-down without getting this error message. I can
enter data and that's about all. I don't want to break up this workbook
because it needs to be distributed. What is causing this and what can I do
about it?
Thanks for advice.
Steve H
I hope this is not off-topic for this group but I have an annoying problem
that apparently has to do with memory in my workbook. I am using Excel 2002
SP-1. I have a workbook that consists of 7 worksheets and is only 589 KB but
I have a large number of charts. When the number of charts started to
increase I started to get the error message, "No more new fonts may be
applied to this workbook" even though I was not adding any new fonts. Now I
cannot even click on a pull-down without getting this error message. I can
enter data and that's about all. I don't want to break up this workbook
because it needs to be distributed. What is causing this and what can I do
about it?
Thanks for advice.
Steve H