Memory drain by Outlook



I've noticed lately my Outlook (2003 version) is killing my memory. Other
coworkers are running around 20MB, while mine is frequently over 150! What
could be causing this? I have available my standard folders (19MB), two .pst
(145MB and 96MB), and two shared group mailboxes (both 48MB). It doesn't
seem to be as extreme as some of the other posters here, and other people in
my group with similar setups aren't seeing the same issue.

neo [mvp outlook]

Do you have any 3rd party stuff installed the others don't have? (e.g. PDA,
FAX, desktop indexing*, .etc)

* Desktop indexing are things like Copernic, Google Desktop, Yahoo Desktop
Search, Windows Desktop Search, .etc


in message
I've noticed lately my Outlook (2003 version) is killing my memory.
coworkers are running around 20MB, while mine is frequently over
150! What
could be causing this? I have available my standard folders (19MB),
two .pst
(145MB and 96MB), and two shared group mailboxes (both 48MB). It
seem to be as extreme as some of the other posters here, and other
people in
my group with similar setups aren't seeing the same issue.

What is the memory consumption of outlook.exe when you start Outlook
in its safe mode ("outlook.exe /safe") which does not load any add-ons
installed to Outlook?

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