I'm having a very difficult issue with my memory
Yesterday, I was running quite a few things. My memory
availability was pretty low, so I can understand why this
sort of thing would happen. I opened a somewhat old
graphics program (Photodraw v2) and attempted to save an
image as a .jpg file. Unfortunately, when I hit save, it
left a large white space where the box had been. Minutes
later, it says that it has to shut down.
Thinking it's just because of the other programs, I
didn't think much of it until I tried again today. I
tried to save a .jpg again, with absolutely nothing
running, not even messenger, and it did the same thing.
Going into the task manager, I looked at the processes
tab and found that there were 35 unknown processes
running. Is that normal? Anyway, I started to end a few
processes (stupid, I know, as some has SYSTEM by them)
and then a box appeared saying "You're computer will shut
down due to such and such". I'm afraid I can't remember.
But if anyone knows how I can get Photodraw to work
again, I'd be very thankful.
Yesterday, I was running quite a few things. My memory
availability was pretty low, so I can understand why this
sort of thing would happen. I opened a somewhat old
graphics program (Photodraw v2) and attempted to save an
image as a .jpg file. Unfortunately, when I hit save, it
left a large white space where the box had been. Minutes
later, it says that it has to shut down.
Thinking it's just because of the other programs, I
didn't think much of it until I tried again today. I
tried to save a .jpg again, with absolutely nothing
running, not even messenger, and it did the same thing.
Going into the task manager, I looked at the processes
tab and found that there were 35 unknown processes
running. Is that normal? Anyway, I started to end a few
processes (stupid, I know, as some has SYSTEM by them)
and then a box appeared saying "You're computer will shut
down due to such and such". I'm afraid I can't remember.
But if anyone knows how I can get Photodraw to work
again, I'd be very thankful.