memory diagnostic tool


Kostas M

the diagnostic started during the start up of the pc. my problem is i can not
stop it. theree is no option to cancel the mem diagnostic. The result is the
to start with every start up.
i kindly ask you to advice solution to cancel .

Charlie Tame

Kostas said:
the diagnostic started during the start up of the pc. my problem is i can not
stop it. theree is no option to cancel the mem diagnostic. The result is the
to start with every start up.
i kindly ask you to advice solution to cancel .

If you mean the "Long" memory test that is part of your BIOS (Basic
Input Output System) which is sometimes called "Setup". Usually you have
to press a key like Del or Esc while the machine is booting to get into
that. Once in there are usually options for the memory test, select the
short or quick one. If you are not sure about doing this the Esc key
will usually let you can out and do not save anything - ask for more
detail. Tell us what machine it is and maybe someone can give you the
exact steps, BIOS(s) vary a bit.


Kostas M said:
the diagnostic started during the start up of the pc. my problem is i can
stop it. theree is no option to cancel the mem diagnostic. The result is
to start with every start up.
i kindly ask you to advice solution to cancel .


Did you try the Escape key?
Have you let MdSched.exe run all the way through?
Click Start and at the bottom where it says Start Search type in Regedit. At
the top you will see Regedit appear. Right click it and select Run As
Administrator. Locate the follow key..


When you get to the Run key look in the right hand pane and see if you have
"MdSched.exe" listed anywhere and post back.

All the best,

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