I make a software which read and write in SQLCe tables, but at each action
( read, write, update), memory down ;
I start with 6Mo, but after 100 actions , memory is 2Mo, and software bug.
I dispose each element (connection, datareader, sqlcommand, but not better)
I tried to create and open 1 connection, 1 datareader, but finally, memory
down ( after about 200 actions in the better)
thanks for your help
I make a software which read and write in SQLCe tables, but at each action
( read, write, update), memory down ;
I start with 6Mo, but after 100 actions , memory is 2Mo, and software bug.
I dispose each element (connection, datareader, sqlcommand, but not better)
I tried to create and open 1 connection, 1 datareader, but finally, memory
down ( after about 200 actions in the better)
thanks for your help