Memmory timing with "Corsair TWIN2X 6400 DDR2, 2048MB CL5"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thomas
  • Start date Start date


hi, i have a "Corsair TWIN2X 6400 DDR2, 2048MB CL5 Kit w/two matched
CM2X1024A-6400 Dimm's " and i wounder
if some one know some good timings for this ram or shuld i use the standard
timings which is " 5-5-5-18"

the MHz of the ram is current : 848 MHz
How about some details about your computer (especially the mobo) and tell us
what you are trying to do or what error you are getting.

If you are not having any luck booting with 4GB of ram try reducing the dram
speed to 667 (PC5300).
If these timings are what BIOS is reading off the chip, then by all means
use them. If not, consider setting BIOS to use the chip-suggested timings.
i have a amd athlon 6400+ and a msi k9n sli platinum mobo

i got only 2 gb ram. i m not trying to do very much , i also doesnt get any
error just want to know which timing is the best
but i have overclocked my prosessor but it is very little.

but i cannot reduce the speed of the ram i need 800MHz
the timing is what i have choosen to setup manualy from bios , the timing is
from the manufactory.
When in doubt, set BIOS to read the proper timings from the memory modules
and use those timings. The correct timings can change based on many
variables, some of which are outside your control entirely.