I am designing a website for a golf course. They were thinking of doing a
Member and Guest area, with a sign in for the Members. There are about 400
members, and they were thinking about having everybody have their own sign in
information, and maybe be able to view their monthly statements.
I really do not know where to start with this. Is there any references to
view for how to get started on this? Or does anybody have any info to get
started on this.
Thanks for all the help. This is a great place for information.
I am designing a website for a golf course. They were thinking of doing a
Member and Guest area, with a sign in for the Members. There are about 400
members, and they were thinking about having everybody have their own sign in
information, and maybe be able to view their monthly statements.
I really do not know where to start with this. Is there any references to
view for how to get started on this? Or does anybody have any info to get
started on this.
Thanks for all the help. This is a great place for information.