member already exists in an object module...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sean Timmons
  • Start date Start date

Sean Timmons

OK, so I know a little bit about Access, which means, dangerous enough to
really mess things up, but not good enough to fix anything at all.

I created a form to capture some employee data, then linked to a subform
using a one-to-many relationship with the key being an autonumber on the main
table, of course set as number on the sub.

At first, everything ran fine. Peopel added data to the form, then added
rows to the subform as they went.

However, now, when a user either creates a new record in the main form, or
attempts to add records to the subform, they get a pop-up error:

"Member already exists in an object module from which this object module

I have no idea how to fix this... I don't have any code to perform any
actions when the subform gets focus or the main form loses focus... Should I?
1. Do you have the relationship between the two tables formalized in the
Relationships window? If so do you have Referential Integrity enabled? You

2. Did you let the subform wizard create the links to the form/subform? That
should have been done after #1 above.

3. When is the last time that you did a backup? Do you have one before this
behavior started? You might need it.

4. Have you done a compact and repair lately? It could be a corruption
1) I did both! I'm proud of myself for that! :-)

2) I did that one too. I didn't trust myself to create a form withotu using
the wizard. Used the automated join that it gave me.

3) I do have a backup. I'm going to check that one out!

4) I did compact and repair, did not resolve it

So, I will let you know what happens when I check my backup file. Thank you
for all the thoughts!
1) I did both! I'm proud of myself for that! :-)

As well you should be. Many Access database problems would go away if
everyone joined their tables with RI enabled.

Maybe someone else will have a better idea of what is the problem. Please
let us know what you find out.
Well, I did end up going to the backup file, and all is back to normal. The
only thing that sticks out to me is that people put in the same data in
multiple main forms, but not sure that should have caused the issue, since
each had its own key.

I have learned long ago that my supervisor team is very talented at puzzling
me with the issue they have...
Backups are good. You can never have one too recent when you need it. You
might want to back up at least nightly or more. If it's a corruption issue,
it could rear its ugly head again and again.
Sean Timmons said:
OK, so I know a little bit about Access, which means, dangerous enough to
really mess things up, but not good enough to fix anything at all.

I created a form to capture some employee data, then linked to a subform
using a one-to-many relationship with the key being an autonumber on the
table, of course set as number on the sub.

At first, everything ran fine. Peopel added data to the form, then added
rows to the subform as they went.

However, now, when a user either creates a new record in the main form, or
attempts to add records to the subform, they get a pop-up error:

"Member already exists in an object module from which this object module

I have no idea how to fix this... I don't have any code to perform any
actions when the subform gets focus or the main form loses focus... Should