Medium Time format showing seconds



Hello -

I have several tables that use a time field. This field is formatted as
medium time - HH:MM AM/PM

However, some of the records in my tables are showing seconds HH:MM:SS and
this is causing issues with my queries and filters.

I can go into the tables but I have to click into each cell to see if the
seconds are there or not so I can remove them.

Is it possible to run an update query that removes the seconds? I have tried
several approaches with no luck.

Many thanks

John Spencer

You could try the following expression to clear seconds (set the seconds to


John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Michel Walsh

That should not be a problem. Take, as example, a floating point number,
like 2.3, that would be formatted as 2, to display only the integer part.
The FIELD, itself, would still hold the decimal part, even if the FORMATTED
displayed 'thing' does not.

Anyhow, you can subtract the second:

DateAdd("s", - DatePart("s", yourDateTimeField ) , yourDateTimeField)

and if the floating point number precision allows it, you won't have any
second left.

(Don't miss the tiny - in front of the second argument of DateAdd )

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP


Thanks for your quick response.

To apply this fix, would I be modifying the data using by putting this in
the UPDATE TO for the time field of an update query?

UPDATE t_Courses
SET t_Courses.Start_Time = TimeValue(Format([TimeField],"Short Time"));


Michel Walsh

You can update once for all, but that 'destroy' the original information

(Make a backup, just in case something would go wrong)

UPDATE t_Courses
SET Start_Time = DateAdd( "s", - DatePart("s", Start_Time ), Start_Time )

Alternatively, you can format(date_time_value, "hh:mm" ) each time you need
that specific format, keeping the original second presents in the field.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Sandy said:
Thanks for your quick response.

To apply this fix, would I be modifying the data using by putting this in
the UPDATE TO for the time field of an update query?

UPDATE t_Courses
SET t_Courses.Start_Time = TimeValue(Format([TimeField],"Short Time"));


Michel Walsh said:
That should not be a problem. Take, as example, a floating point number,
like 2.3, that would be formatted as 2, to display only the integer
The FIELD, itself, would still hold the decimal part, even if the
displayed 'thing' does not.

Anyhow, you can subtract the second:

DateAdd("s", - DatePart("s", yourDateTimeField ) , yourDateTimeField)

and if the floating point number precision allows it, you won't have any
second left.

(Don't miss the tiny - in front of the second argument of DateAdd )

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Michel Walsh

oops, should be Format(date_time_value, "hh:nn")

since mm is reserved for month.

Vanderghast, Access MVP


Hi Michael -

I tried this -

UPDATE t_Courses SET t_Courses.Start_Time =

and it is giving me a "Data type mismatch in Criteria expression" error

I have checked that there is data in the Start_Time field of every record in
the table.
The format for this field is medium time.

any ideas?



hi again -

I tried using

UPDATE t_Courses
SET t_Courses.start_time = TimeValue(Format([Start_Time],"Short Time"));

and that seemed to work fine :)

thanks again,

John Spencer

UPDATE t_Courses
SET t_Courses.Start_Time =

Reference the fields not a string that is the name of a field

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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