Another possibility is to open a recordset, and to average the values at
n\2 :
Public Function DMedian(FieldName As String, TableName As String) As Double
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim n As Long
Dim x As Double
Set rst = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("SELECT [" & FieldName & _
"] FROM [" & TableName & "] WHERE NOT [" & _
FieldName & "] IS NULL ORDER BY [" & FieldName & "]")
n = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("SELECT COUNT([" & _
FieldName & "]) FROM [" & TableName & "]").Fields(0).Value
If 0=n Mod 2 then
rst.Move n \ 2
x = rst.Fields(0).Value
rst.Move 1
DMedian = (x + rst.Fields(0).Value) / 2
rst.Move 1+n \ 2
DMedian = rst.Fields(0).Value
End If
End Function
median = DMedian( "field1", "myTable")
Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP