I'd just like to say that I hate this site with a passion
in case anyone important is reading this, it's an absolute
nightmare to use and I'd rather hack off my limbs with a
rusty bread knife than try contacting you people again.
Surely every company should offer some kind of customer
service, even if it is bad but you scum bags at Microsoft
don't eveh have the common decency to do that.
Anyway, moving swiftly onwards - The problem:
When I try to open music / video files media player enters
some kind of setup thingy, it fixes the problem for around
24 hours if I restart my computer but it's getting quite
annoying now, anyone got any ideas...?
in case anyone important is reading this, it's an absolute
nightmare to use and I'd rather hack off my limbs with a
rusty bread knife than try contacting you people again.
Surely every company should offer some kind of customer
service, even if it is bad but you scum bags at Microsoft
don't eveh have the common decency to do that.
Anyway, moving swiftly onwards - The problem:
When I try to open music / video files media player enters
some kind of setup thingy, it fixes the problem for around
24 hours if I restart my computer but it's getting quite
annoying now, anyone got any ideas...?