I want to embedded a video in a WM5 form (VB or C#, C++ is OK)
In good old VB 6 days there was an an activex control with its aasociated
control functions that could be used programatically. Might have even been
one that you can use on PPC devices.
I have solved my problem for the moment by programmatically launching media
paly mobile in fullscreen mode but its skin can get in the road.
Is there a way to embed a media player into a form?
Is there an active X control available in this context (WM5)?
I have look at Direct Show but haven't found a complete sample.
Can anyone point me to a complete Direct Show sample project that would be
buildable on WM5 to play a media file on a form or in full screen mode?
Also, the kit for skins for media player seem to be for tehdektop only.
Is there a a simple skin for media player mobile that is say, just black
with the palyer panel. Are there some skin sample projects?
Thx again
David Jones
Senior Lecturer
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
RMIT University
+61 3 99255318
In good old VB 6 days there was an an activex control with its aasociated
control functions that could be used programatically. Might have even been
one that you can use on PPC devices.
I have solved my problem for the moment by programmatically launching media
paly mobile in fullscreen mode but its skin can get in the road.
Is there a way to embed a media player into a form?
Is there an active X control available in this context (WM5)?
I have look at Direct Show but haven't found a complete sample.
Can anyone point me to a complete Direct Show sample project that would be
buildable on WM5 to play a media file on a form or in full screen mode?
Also, the kit for skins for media player seem to be for tehdektop only.
Is there a a simple skin for media player mobile that is say, just black
with the palyer panel. Are there some skin sample projects?
Thx again
David Jones
Senior Lecturer
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
RMIT University
+61 3 99255318