Media Player 9 *.wma files won't insert


David Baird

I have Microsoft Office 2000 and am having a problem with

I recently upgraded Windows Media Player to version 9.0
and new condecs that came with it. Now when I try to
insert an *.wma file that I saved with Media Player I get
the following message:

"Powerpoint could not insert a sound from the selected

If I use an older version of Media player or another media
program like Real Audio I can still insert the sound.

This problem would not be as bad, but every sound clip in
my media player library has been affected when I upgraded
to version 9. This means that all of my old powerpoint
presentations that linked to media files in the library
now fail to play as well.

What can I do to fix this?



I am having the same problem and I can't seem to find a way to fix it. Could you please let me know if you find one. I will do the same. thanks

Echo S

I feel for you, David. I really do. I hate this PPT and multimedia stuff
sometimes, I swear.

Although PPT actually uses the MCI Media Player to play multimedia files,
WMP still plays a hand, and that's in the area of codecs.

IIRC, a number of codecs were "discontinued" in WMP 9 because of security
issues. I don't know exactly how it works in the background, but the upshot
is that the installation of WMP 9 seems to render a number of existing video
files inoperable in PPT.

I think that you may have to rerender the WMA files, as sorry as I am to
have to say that.

You might have a read at though. You
may just need to reset your registry MCI settings.

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