I am trying to create a "mod" of media player 9. I am trying to make it so
that when I start the program, a file is loaded into a media player 9
control, and then is ste to full screen and played. Now thats the easy
part, the part I need help with is when the user right clicks on the media
player object, the user is first asked to enter a password before he can
access the popup menu.
Any ideas how? I tried something like this already
Private Sub player_ClickEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_ClickEvent) Handles player.ClickEvent
If e.nButton = 2 Then
'2 is right button
Dim pass = InputBox("Please Enter Password", "Password Required")
If (pass <> PASSWORD) Then
'allow user to access menu
Else 'wrong password
'refresh the player back to fullscreen and "locked"
End If
Else ' they clicked the left mouse button
'keep player playing fullscreen and "locked"
End If
End Sub
that when I start the program, a file is loaded into a media player 9
control, and then is ste to full screen and played. Now thats the easy
part, the part I need help with is when the user right clicks on the media
player object, the user is first asked to enter a password before he can
access the popup menu.
Any ideas how? I tried something like this already
Private Sub player_ClickEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_ClickEvent) Handles player.ClickEvent
If e.nButton = 2 Then
'2 is right button
Dim pass = InputBox("Please Enter Password", "Password Required")
If (pass <> PASSWORD) Then
'allow user to access menu
Else 'wrong password
'refresh the player back to fullscreen and "locked"
End If
Else ' they clicked the left mouse button
'keep player playing fullscreen and "locked"
End If
End Sub