Media Centre PC


Feb 23, 2002
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Now that Becky has a new monitor, it made her old 15" LCD redundant. I've linked it up to the crunching server I've got on 24/7 and made a media centre PC in the living room :lol:

I found an old wireless mouse and hooked some speakers up to it, and voilà! If the PC is turned on it now goes to a media centre screen with the option to play anything from the catalogue of music on it (using Nero Home as the media centre).

Looks very swish and cost a total of £10 to put together, as the rest was existing stuff :thumb: Much better then buying a hi-fi :D

I've just realised its 12:30 now, I thought it was about 9ish!
Ian Cunningham said:
I've just realised its 12:30 now, I thought it was about 9ish!
:rolleyes: Times fly's by when you having fun.
Never got my head round MS Media Centre software, prefer just to watch TV on a normal TV.
We'll only really be using it for music, as our TV is huge (my dad's old one when he got a flat screen). Looks good though! :)