instead of saying
Rowsource is Sheet1!A1:A10
you might use code to determine how much data is in column A
With Worksheets("sheet1")
set rng = .Range(.cells(1,1),.cells(1,1).End(xldown))
End With
Userform1.Listbox1.RowSource = rng.Address(external:=True)
in your case, it was assumed the plant rows would not necessarily be the
same for each sheet/area combination, but that there would be no empty rows.
So in one area, there might be 5 rows of choices and in another 10 rows of
choices. Also, the assumption was that the same list of plants would not be
provided for each area. (just like every sheet did not have 4 areas, so
presenting a choice of 4 would be inappropriate - present a list of what is
actually available).
This may not be the case. You may always provide 10 rows (although some
would be empty). In that case, the approach I provided would have problems.
That could be fixed, but I had to make my best guess.