me.recordsetclone.lastmodified not valid?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Mitchell
  • Start date Start date

Bill Mitchell

Every time I try to use this I get the same (damned)
error message - NOT A VALID BOOKMARK!

Ugh, why isn't it valid? Based upon everything I have
read it should work just fine.

Sorry, but this is making me nuts.
If you add a new record to the form's clone set, you can then reference it
with the LastModified property, and thereby make it the form's current


With Me.RecordsetClone
'Add a new record
!SomeField = SomeValue
!AnotherField = 99
!MyDateField = Date

'Make this the current record.
.Bookmark = .LastModified

'Display the new record in the form
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End With
Ok, I appreciate all your help but I'm afrid you keep
missing the point of my posts.

I want to run an append query on a subform. after doing
so, can i use bookmarks to navigate to that new record on
my form?

The append query is appending a new record to the table
underlying my form.

Guess I'll have to let you figure out for yourself that the LastModifed
bookmark relates only to what you within the RecordsetClone, and has no
connection at all with what happens in other processes such as append