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Oct 6, 2005
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Well, I'm back from the hospital,
Turned out that I had fractured my skull but they did a Cat scan & there's no sign of brain damage (:p beat you to it mucks)
That was a wee bit worrying:rolleyes: as after the scan they called for a neurosurgeon & kept telling me that there was a fracture but they didn't think that there would be any need for brain surgery. Since I hadn't thought that there might be...
They kept me in overnight but instead of sending me up to the ward they kept me in a 'high observation room' down in A&E & came & poke me & do tests every hour to make sure I didn't go into a coma or something:rolleyes:
As you can guess I didn't sleep much.

But come morning I was still here ;) so I was allowed to come home.

Apparently I'm going to be a bit weird (?you mean just like normal) for about 4-6 weeks
wooly thinking, forgetting things, loosing track of what I'm thinking or talking about, trouble making decisions, poor concentration, sleepiness & lethargy.
No TV, No Books:( & No computers:( but since its a Lappy with a LCD screen I think I can get away with the occasional peek ;)

I'm surprised at how strong these symptoms are. I've had concussions before, but nothing like this. Half the time I'm useless :rolleyes:
Hopefully not for too long though.
gotta go.
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You don't arf get in the wars, gal ... you'll mend just nicely.

Oh, and if I had hit me head I would want a neurosurgeon to look at me too and not a gynecologist. ;)
It may have frightened you, but they followed standard procedure.

I've just read what happened Cirianz! I'm glad you're ok though :D

Got my fingers crossed for you :thumb:
have i missed something ?

glad your ok anyway Cirianz :)

*runs off to search the forum*

probably the strangest way to break your skull, luckily you didnt damage anything
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Thank you everyone :)

Yes Me, not many people get to say they hit themselves on the head with a hammer. It was quite... awkward trying to answer all the Dr's & Nurses who asked how I had done it :o
The Neurosurgeon said that it must have been a "significant impact" because that area of the skull is one of the thickest and it is very hard to fracture it. But I suppose I never was one for doing things by halves:rolleyes:
At the moment it hurts a lot & there are lists of things I'm not allowed to do & they are having the brain injury clinic follow up, but so long as nothing I dont experience anything specifically & sinificantly unusual for me (& that might take some doing:lol: ) or, if I have a seizure, that it's not different than usual, etc etc then all should be just fine.
Although I have been specifically instructed not to hit my head for at least 3 months, which has totally spoiled my plans for the year :wall: :p

Well, it's only taken me about an hour & half to write this. I suspect I should go to bed.
nite nite :D
Bloody hell gal! You sure nuff get in some scrapes dontcha ;)

Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and a return to whatever state you regard as normal :)
Thank you :)

Yeah, that's what I thought Trip :)

The number Of times I was nearly killed or could've been left with permanent injury over the last few years and wasn't. I'm very lucky.

In about 4 - 6 weeks I'll be back to my bouncy, garoulous & generally annoying self ;)
I'm very lucky :):thumb:
Glad your basically OK Ciri :) - look after yourself girl, would be a sad place round here if you were gone :nod:
Thanks :) Yeah, me very lucky :)

Todays adventure will be.... (insert da da da dum... )
Washing my hair :rolleyes:

I did this saturday night & haven't washed my hair yet (2 of the fracture lines run up under my hair)
But since my hair is currently threatening to relocate if i don't clean up the premisis.... :p
What do they say... small things to occupy small minds :lol:

And the really scary thing... today I have to contact patient affairs & write up my account of the behaviour of a nurse whom I am registering a formal complaint against on the basis of her behaviour that night.
Not looking forward to doing that.
But her behaviour, shouting at me to "shut up" to "get out" & when I said no -as I hadn't been seen yet- she threatened to call security & have them throw me out, which she did do, although since I was already at reception requesting to register a formal complaint against the nurse, they didn't throw me out, just put me back in the waiting room (with a hovering security gaurd) until some other nurse could deal with me. All of this was triggered when, she insisted that I couldn't have an x-ray (it was a very busy night & there were patients far more important than me needing x-rays - her words) & that I didnt have a fracture.
I asked how she could tell when she hadn't touched it yet. And she just went off her face. I hadn't shouted at her, insulted her, been offensive, sworn at her... anything, it just came out of the blue. Myself I don't think that this is appropriate behaviour for a nurse, particularly in an A&E ward when most patients are highly traumatised & many feeling very vulnerable. I've had a number of friends work in A&E & i know that it is a horrific & very high stress job & it was a very busy night, but personally I think that, if she can't handle the pressure then she needs to look at working somewhere else less demanding. All of the other nurses & Dr's (presumably just as stressed) managed to treat me with courtesy & repect & were generally friendly.
Also, her behaviour, caused a massive leap in my blood pressure, as you can imagine, given that she was wrong & I actually did have a sinificant skull fracture, including a depression fracture which could've meant loose chips of bone floating around in my brain. Now, I'm not a Dr, but it does seem to me that her behaviour & it's consequence, could've actually endangered my health. & hands up everyone who think she's never done this before & will never do it again?
Yeah, right. & maybe next time she will do something that causes unrecoverable injury to someone.

So, today I try & keep my head together & type up this report.
Fun fun fun:rolleyes:

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cirianz said:
So, today I try & keep my head together & type up this report.
Fun fun fun:rolleyes:


You wanna borrow a roll of gaffa tape to keep that bonce together? :D

Girl, just how do you do it? Lol, I mean why do these things only seem to happen to some people?

For the most part, in my experience, mostly interesting people.

That nurse? A rogue nurse. We get rogue peeps in all walks of life. Mostly it don't matter but when one is a nurse, a teacher or a cop, for instance, it matters.

Most folks are ok. Some are not. Damn shame.

What can I say Ciri? I guess all I can say is I hope you have a speedy recovery and don't go through too much else ****.
floppybootstomp said:
You wanna borrow a roll of gaffa tape to keep that bonce together? :D

Girl, just how do you do it? Lol, I mean why do these things only seem to happen to some people?

For the most part, in my experience, mostly interesting people.

That nurse? A rogue nurse. We get rogue peeps in all walks of life. Mostly it don't matter but when one is a nurse, a teacher or a cop, for instance, it matters.

Most folks are ok. Some are not. Damn shame.

What can I say Ciri? I guess all I can say is I hope you have a speedy recovery and don't go through too much else ****.


Well, what's that aincient chinese curse... "may you live in interesting times"

I don't think anyone could accuse me of having a boring life :lol: