I am doing the following with my MDI app..
Please advise if I am going about this wrong or there is a better way.
I thought, well, the main form needs to be able to ask the child form if it
can save
So I made the following interfaces.
'all child forms implement ICanSave and return true or false;main can thus
always call CanSave to see if it can save
Public Interface ICanSave
ReadOnly Property CanSave() As Boolean
End Interface
'if they can save they should then implement ISave which has the
following... So when user clicks Save icon, this Save method 'is called
Public Interface ISave
Function IsDirty() As Boolean
Function Save() As Boolean
Function SaveAs(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
End Interface
on main form
Private Sub frmMain_MdiChildActivate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.MdiChildActivate
Dim Savable As ICanSave
Dim ISaver As ISave
'see if can save
Savable = Me.ActiveMdiChild
If Savable.CanSave Then
ISaver = Me.ActiveMdiChild
mnuFileSave.Enabled = ISaver.IsDirty
End If
mnuFileSaveAs.Enabled = Savable.CanSave
Catch ex As Exception
'don't know so disable them
mnuFileSave.Enabled = False
mnuFileSaveAs.Enabled = False
End Try
End Sub
Is there a better way?
Am I doing something dumb?
Is there another event to check when child form becomes dirty because I
think ChildActivate requires a click.
So how can I know when to enable the Save icon otherwise?
Hope this all makes sense..
Any help appreciated.
Please advise if I am going about this wrong or there is a better way.
I thought, well, the main form needs to be able to ask the child form if it
can save
So I made the following interfaces.
'all child forms implement ICanSave and return true or false;main can thus
always call CanSave to see if it can save
Public Interface ICanSave
ReadOnly Property CanSave() As Boolean
End Interface
'if they can save they should then implement ISave which has the
following... So when user clicks Save icon, this Save method 'is called
Public Interface ISave
Function IsDirty() As Boolean
Function Save() As Boolean
Function SaveAs(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
End Interface
on main form
Private Sub frmMain_MdiChildActivate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.MdiChildActivate
Dim Savable As ICanSave
Dim ISaver As ISave
'see if can save
Savable = Me.ActiveMdiChild
If Savable.CanSave Then
ISaver = Me.ActiveMdiChild
mnuFileSave.Enabled = ISaver.IsDirty
End If
mnuFileSaveAs.Enabled = Savable.CanSave
Catch ex As Exception
'don't know so disable them
mnuFileSave.Enabled = False
mnuFileSaveAs.Enabled = False
End Try
End Sub
Is there a better way?
Am I doing something dumb?
Is there another event to check when child form becomes dirty because I
think ChildActivate requires a click.
So how can I know when to enable the Save icon otherwise?
Hope this all makes sense..
Any help appreciated.