
  • Thread starter Thread starter Souris
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Does user need insatll Access to run mde version?
Since it is compiled version, can user run MDE without Access install?

I know that user is unable to see VBA and design form.

Is it possible to hid the table as well?

Your information is great appreciated,
Souris said:
Does user need insatll Access to run mde version?

The user must either install Access or the Access runtime module, which is
basically Access with the built-in user interface disabled. The runtime for
Access 2007 can be downloaded from Microsoft for free. For earlier
versions, the runtime was available to developers as part of that version's
Developer's Edition or equivalent toolkit. Exactly what it was called
varied from version to version.
Since it is compiled version, can user run MDE without Access install?

I know that user is unable to see VBA and design form.

Is it possible to hid the table as well?

Thnaks millions,

Dirk Goldgar said:
The user must either install Access or the Access runtime module, which is
basically Access with the built-in user interface disabled. The runtime for
Access 2007 can be downloaded from Microsoft for free. For earlier
versions, the runtime was available to developers as part of that version's
Developer's Edition or equivalent toolkit. Exactly what it was called
varied from version to version.


Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

(please reply to the newsgroup)