Billy Rogers
I converted an MDB file to and MDE file for distribution and now it's not
The users get an error message when they click a button. The message says
"The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced
the folowing error: File Not Found"
This doesn't happen when I run it on my computer. I sent them the MDB
version and they say it works fine.
Heres the code in the button.
Private Sub btnRunAccessReport_Click()
' This section checks to see if user has specified
' a file path & name to save the report
AccessFilePath = txtAccessFilePath.Text
If txtAccessFilePath.Text = "" Then
MsgBox " txtAccessFilePath.Text is null" & vbCrLf
& vbCrLf & "Please enter a file name using the Save As button."
Exit Sub
End If
' This section Creates the database.
' It will delete the file if it already exists.
Dim wrkDefault As Workspace
Dim dbsNew As Database
Dim prpLoop As Property
' Get default Workspace.
Set wrkDefault = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
' Make sure there isn't already a file with the name of
' the new database.
If Dir(AccessFilePath) <> "" Then Kill AccessFilePath
' Create a new encrypted database with the specified
' collating order.
Set dbsNew = wrkDefault.CreateDatabase(AccessFilePath, _
dbLangGeneral, dbEncrypt)
Set dbsNew = Nothing
DoCmd.HourGlass True
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Connecting to SQL Server"
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Running....." & vbCrLf & "Demographics & Volume"
Call AssocConcat
Dim qdfPassthrough As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rsCurr As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "Exec [GetAssocDemographics&Volume&CB] @MonthYearList='" &
MyAssocDates & "', @OrderList='" & MyAssocNums & "'"
Set qdfPassthrough = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("qryPassThru")
qdfPassthrough.Sql = strSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * INTO [AssocDemoVol] IN '" & AccessFilePath & "'
FROM [qryPassThru];"
Set qdfPassthrough = Nothing
Set rsCurr = Nothing
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Running....." & vbCrLf & "Equipment"
Call AssocConcat
strSQL = "Exec [GetAssocEquipment] @OrderList='" & MyAssocNums & "'"
Set qdfPassthrough = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("qryPassThru")
qdfPassthrough.Sql = strSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * INTO [AssocEquip] IN '" & AccessFilePath & "' FROM
Set qdfPassthrough = Nothing
Set rsCurr = Nothing
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Running....." & vbCrLf & "InvoiceMast"
Call AssocConcat
strSQL = "Exec [GetAssocInvoiceMast] @MonthYearList='" & MyAssocDates &
"', @OrderList='" & MyAssocNums & "'"
Set qdfPassthrough = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("qryPassThru")
qdfPassthrough.Sql = strSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * INTO [AssocInvoiceMast] IN '" & AccessFilePath &
"' FROM [qryPassThru];"
Set qdfPassthrough = Nothing
Set rsCurr = Nothing
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Running....." & vbCrLf & "InvoiceMastQA"
Call AssocConcat
strSQL = "Exec [GetAssocInvoiceMastQA] @MonthYearList='" & MyAssocDates &
"', @OrderList='" & MyAssocNums & "'"
Set qdfPassthrough = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("qryPassThru")
qdfPassthrough.Sql = strSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * INTO [AssocInvoiceMastQA] IN '" & AccessFilePath &
"' FROM [qryPassThru];"
Set qdfPassthrough = Nothing
Set rsCurr = Nothing
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Report Done!"
DoCmd.HourGlass False
'Open the new database
Dim NewAccessFilePath As String
NewAccessFilePath = """" & AccessFilePath & """"
Shell """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE""" & _
NewAccessFilePath, vbNormalFocus
End Sub
Billy Rogers
Currently Using SQL Server 2000, Office 2000 and Office 2003
The users get an error message when they click a button. The message says
"The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced
the folowing error: File Not Found"
This doesn't happen when I run it on my computer. I sent them the MDB
version and they say it works fine.
Heres the code in the button.
Private Sub btnRunAccessReport_Click()
' This section checks to see if user has specified
' a file path & name to save the report
AccessFilePath = txtAccessFilePath.Text
If txtAccessFilePath.Text = "" Then
MsgBox " txtAccessFilePath.Text is null" & vbCrLf
& vbCrLf & "Please enter a file name using the Save As button."
Exit Sub
End If
' This section Creates the database.
' It will delete the file if it already exists.
Dim wrkDefault As Workspace
Dim dbsNew As Database
Dim prpLoop As Property
' Get default Workspace.
Set wrkDefault = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
' Make sure there isn't already a file with the name of
' the new database.
If Dir(AccessFilePath) <> "" Then Kill AccessFilePath
' Create a new encrypted database with the specified
' collating order.
Set dbsNew = wrkDefault.CreateDatabase(AccessFilePath, _
dbLangGeneral, dbEncrypt)
Set dbsNew = Nothing
DoCmd.HourGlass True
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Connecting to SQL Server"
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Running....." & vbCrLf & "Demographics & Volume"
Call AssocConcat
Dim qdfPassthrough As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rsCurr As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "Exec [GetAssocDemographics&Volume&CB] @MonthYearList='" &
MyAssocDates & "', @OrderList='" & MyAssocNums & "'"
Set qdfPassthrough = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("qryPassThru")
qdfPassthrough.Sql = strSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * INTO [AssocDemoVol] IN '" & AccessFilePath & "'
FROM [qryPassThru];"
Set qdfPassthrough = Nothing
Set rsCurr = Nothing
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Running....." & vbCrLf & "Equipment"
Call AssocConcat
strSQL = "Exec [GetAssocEquipment] @OrderList='" & MyAssocNums & "'"
Set qdfPassthrough = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("qryPassThru")
qdfPassthrough.Sql = strSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * INTO [AssocEquip] IN '" & AccessFilePath & "' FROM
Set qdfPassthrough = Nothing
Set rsCurr = Nothing
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Running....." & vbCrLf & "InvoiceMast"
Call AssocConcat
strSQL = "Exec [GetAssocInvoiceMast] @MonthYearList='" & MyAssocDates &
"', @OrderList='" & MyAssocNums & "'"
Set qdfPassthrough = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("qryPassThru")
qdfPassthrough.Sql = strSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * INTO [AssocInvoiceMast] IN '" & AccessFilePath &
"' FROM [qryPassThru];"
Set qdfPassthrough = Nothing
Set rsCurr = Nothing
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Running....." & vbCrLf & "InvoiceMastQA"
Call AssocConcat
strSQL = "Exec [GetAssocInvoiceMastQA] @MonthYearList='" & MyAssocDates &
"', @OrderList='" & MyAssocNums & "'"
Set qdfPassthrough = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("qryPassThru")
qdfPassthrough.Sql = strSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * INTO [AssocInvoiceMastQA] IN '" & AccessFilePath &
"' FROM [qryPassThru];"
Set qdfPassthrough = Nothing
Set rsCurr = Nothing
Me.txtStatus.Text = "Report Done!"
DoCmd.HourGlass False
'Open the new database
Dim NewAccessFilePath As String
NewAccessFilePath = """" & AccessFilePath & """"
Shell """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE""" & _
NewAccessFilePath, vbNormalFocus
End Sub
Billy Rogers
Currently Using SQL Server 2000, Office 2000 and Office 2003