.mdb file is read only...

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Can someone tell me how to make MS Access 2003 read/write while
giving the user only limited permissions on the user account (Windows
XP Pro)

for some reason if i set up the account with admin privileges the .mdb
files works correctly but if i make the user's account a limited
account then the .mdb file is read only???

other workstations i have set up did not give me this problem???

please tell me if there is something i can do to fix this.

Does the user have read, write & modify permissions on the folder?


yes the user has all the permissions. i think this has something to do
with the 'sandbox' feature...though i do not know much about that.
also perhaps MS jet4.0??? i've downloaded the latest version but the
computer tells me the installed version is newer then the downloaded

any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Sandbox mode has nothing to do with file permissions.  Once the db is open
and running, sandbox mode evaluates whether vba expressions are safe to run
or not.  If you're interested in what vba expressions are blocked or orcause
errors while in sandbox mode, check this page


Don't try to install another version of Jet.  Access 2003 installs Jet 4 sp8
right out of the box, the only version of Jet you want to use, expeciallyif
you want to use sandbox mode.

Check the mdb's file attributes.  Is it read only?  Uncheck the box if it is.

Is the file Access 97 or earlier?  Convert it to Access 2000 or later.

Is the db secured with user level security?  That's one way to make thefile
read only for some users and not others.  Raise this user's security
permissions if the current level is at read only.

Otherwise do this test:  log into Windows as the restricted user.  Open
notepad and write a few characters, then save the file in the same folderas
the mdb file.  Close it.  Open it again and delete the characters youtyped
before.  Type a new set of characters and save the file again.  Closeit.
Delete this file.

Did you get any errors with this test?  If you did it means the user doesn't
have the required permissions on the folder.  If this user doesn't have
delete permissions because they can't be trusted, somebody else needs delete
permissions on the folder who can open the mdb file.


thanks for the tips but the test did not cause any errors.
what i noticed is that if i give the user acct admin privileges via
the operating system (ie in CONTROL PANEL/USER ACCTS ) then everything
works fine. When I open the mdb file i can go into the security
settings and change anything i wish. Trouble is i don't want this
user to have admin privileges via control panel/ user accts etc). Once
i turn this back into a 'limited' account - the .mdb file becomes read
only - for some reason the User acct setting is affecting the read/
write ability of the user in the .mdb file??? not sure why they are
connected but 3 other workstations were set up this way without any
problems? can you suggest something else to try? (I have already
uninstalled Office2003 and tried reinstalling it without any success.)
Uninstalling/reinstalling Access has no impact on the read only status ofan
mdb file unless the mdb file was secured improperly with the default

If an mdb file is read only for a restricted user but not when the same user
has administrator privs, there are *only* two things that cause this:

1 - folder and/or file permissions for that user are too restrictive

2 - an mdb file improperly secured with user level security and the user is
joined to a different workgroup each time signing in.  One workgroup for the
administrator level and a different workgroup for the regular user level.
This would have to be set up in a special way for this to happen, like using
two different shortcuts to open this db file.  You'd know if you were doing
that, right?

See if the mdb's file permissions are overriding the folder's permissionsfor
that user.


I am not sure why but i created a new directory on her cdrive and put
the mdb file in there and everything seems to be working now. Thanks
for all your help.