I have an Access 2000 application that resides at about 100 locations. Each
is a separate, standalone installation consisting of a "program" mdb and a
"data" mdb. The locations are remote and cannot support full-time on-line
connection to a central database (Access or other), nor can they support
full-time on-line connection to a web-based application. The "data" mdb
consists of about 25 tables. All access is DAO.
Every week, the "data" mdbs are sent to a central location (some on Zip
Drives by mule). Each is put in its own folder (they all have the same
filename) and a central application (also Access 2000) links to each set of
uploaded tables in turn to load the data into one set of consolidation
tables. I'm using the RefreshLink command to link to each set of uploaded
tables in turn. Essentially, it looks like this:
For Each tdf in CurrentDB.TableDefs
tdf.Connect = ";DATABASE=" & strFilename
Next tdf
where strFilename is the fully qualified name of the uploaded db from which
I'm reading.
My problem is that my central application bloats big time every time this
process runs. It increases by about 8 meg for each "data" mdb that's read.
Given that I have about 100 "data" mdbs to read, that's a real problem.
I tried simply dropping the link and then re-linking through the following
For Each tdf in CurrentDB.TableDefs
sTable = tdf.name
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Delete sTable
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "Microsoft Access",
strFilename, acTable, sTable, sTable
Next tdf
This pretty much eliminates the bloat, but is significantly slower than the
RefreshLink (it just about doubles the total run time for the process)
Am I doing something wrong with the RefreshLink or is there some way of
running it that will prevent the bloat?
is a separate, standalone installation consisting of a "program" mdb and a
"data" mdb. The locations are remote and cannot support full-time on-line
connection to a central database (Access or other), nor can they support
full-time on-line connection to a web-based application. The "data" mdb
consists of about 25 tables. All access is DAO.
Every week, the "data" mdbs are sent to a central location (some on Zip
Drives by mule). Each is put in its own folder (they all have the same
filename) and a central application (also Access 2000) links to each set of
uploaded tables in turn to load the data into one set of consolidation
tables. I'm using the RefreshLink command to link to each set of uploaded
tables in turn. Essentially, it looks like this:
For Each tdf in CurrentDB.TableDefs
tdf.Connect = ";DATABASE=" & strFilename
Next tdf
where strFilename is the fully qualified name of the uploaded db from which
I'm reading.
My problem is that my central application bloats big time every time this
process runs. It increases by about 8 meg for each "data" mdb that's read.
Given that I have about 100 "data" mdbs to read, that's a real problem.
I tried simply dropping the link and then re-linking through the following
For Each tdf in CurrentDB.TableDefs
sTable = tdf.name
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Delete sTable
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "Microsoft Access",
strFilename, acTable, sTable, sTable
Next tdf
This pretty much eliminates the bloat, but is significantly slower than the
RefreshLink (it just about doubles the total run time for the process)
Am I doing something wrong with the RefreshLink or is there some way of
running it that will prevent the bloat?