Fabio Furukawa
I have a table with 4 million records and the structure is like this
Processing_date Date
Account_number Long
Balance double
LastMonth_Balance double
This table is inserted every month with 400.000 records.
For every record I have to get last month balance and update to the field
LastMonth_Balance of this month record.
I'm using dao to seek the last month record and update the value to this
month record, but when the mdb reaches 2 gb size, the process stops and I
have to compact/repair the mdb and restart the process. Is there a way to
avoid this ?
I have a table with 4 million records and the structure is like this
Processing_date Date
Account_number Long
Balance double
LastMonth_Balance double
This table is inserted every month with 400.000 records.
For every record I have to get last month balance and update to the field
LastMonth_Balance of this month record.
I'm using dao to seek the last month record and update the value to this
month record, but when the mdb reaches 2 gb size, the process stops and I
have to compact/repair the mdb and restart the process. Is there a way to
avoid this ?