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Do I need these later listed downloads on our Windows XP
Home computer? Are they a security threat to us? We are
trying to set up a secure LAN (Home Network): 2 wireless,
1 wired, through a router as a WEP Shared Key Acess
Point. We want to share Internet Acess AND we want to
keep our private LAN seperate from the Internet. We can't
seperate NetBios from TCP/IP. We do not want to be a
Server or IT Developer, or publish our privately shared
folders on the web. But,in downloading the security tool,
MBSA, we loaded the following programs: MSXML w/SDK (MBSA
1.2 wanted us to update the MSXL to the newest version),
MDAC, SQL Server,.NET FRAMEWORK 1.1, and there may be
more, but I don't know where they are. I removed the
ASP.Net Account(.Net FRAMEWORK 1.1)because it
automatically created an ASP.NET Administrator Account in
User Accounts with its own password which we don't know.
Now, the WindowsUpDate Service says I need the .NET
FRAMEWORK download again!
P.S. We all have internet access, but we can't get a
private home network working! ...what to do?
Troubled but appreciative of assistance.
The impression I get is that you are being told that
you need to update runtimes, which you should do
as some of the technologies are used to support even
just browsing.
You do not need the MSXML SDK, just the runtime
service pack. Similarly, if you have the .Net Framework
installed, which a number of MS and third-party application
will want present, then it has a released service pack.
Some applications install a SQL server engine runtime
called MSDE and if present (it will show in services or
in add/remove programs) it definitely needs to be up to date.
The account is not installed as an administrator,
and it is sufficiently crippled in the default install state that
it is safe to leave as is.
Roger Abell said:
The impression I get is that you are being told that
you need to update runtimes, which you should do
as some of the technologies are used to support even
just browsing.
You do not need the MSXML SDK, just the runtime
service pack. Similarly, if you have the .Net Framework
installed, which a number of MS and third-party application
will want present, then it has a released service pack.
Some applications install a SQL server engine runtime
called MSDE and if present (it will show in services or
in add/remove programs) it definitely needs to be up to date.
The account is not installed as an administrator,
and it is sufficiently crippled in the default install state that
it is safe to leave as is.

Roger Abell
Microsoft MVP (Windows Server System: Security)
MCSE (W2k3,W2k,Nt4) MCDBA

I'm in a somewhat similiar situatiion but want to install the SQL Server. However, it tell me "a strong SA Password is required...Please use SAPWD switch to supply..."
Apparently, I have to be a Systems Administrator but I'm using a stand-alone home computer. Is there a way to work around this? Or is there a way to set myself up with a SYSADMIN account? The readme.doc seems to assume I have the server already installed and/or I have a SYSADMIN login.
It sounds like you are installing an MSDE, of which there
are a few versions, rather than the full SQL Server.
The SQL server install that is interactive prompts of the
password that is to be given to the SQL internal account
named SA, system administrator. In non-interactive installs
the /sapwd switch can be used to provide this password.
Evidently the install method you are using is not providing
this switch and the install will not proceed without it.
Perhaps you are starting the install too deeply, and the use
of a wrapper that is intended to call what you have run is
how you should be installing this, and it will provide the

Roger Abell
Microsoft MVP (Windows Server System: Security)
MCSE (W2k3,W2k,Nt4) MCDBA
john374379 said:
I'm trying to install the SQL Server and get the message "A strong SA
password is required...Please use SAPWD switch to supply..." Both the
installer.exe and the readme.doc assume that I have the server already
installed and/or that I am the System Administrator. However since I'm
using a stand-alone home computer, there is no system to be administered.
Is there a way to work around this? Or, better, is there a way for me to set
myself up as SYSADMIN to solve this and possible future problems? Any
advice would be greatly appreciated!