Do I need these later listed downloads on our Windows XP
Home computer? Are they a security threat to us? We are
trying to set up a secure LAN (Home Network): 2 wireless,
1 wired, through a router as a WEP Shared Key Acess
Point. We want to share Internet Acess AND we want to
keep our private LAN seperate from the Internet. We can't
seperate NetBios from TCP/IP. We do not want to be a
Server or IT Developer, or publish our privately shared
folders on the web. But,in downloading the security tool,
MBSA, we loaded the following programs: MSXML w/SDK (MBSA
1.2 wanted us to update the MSXL to the newest version),
MDAC, SQL Server,.NET FRAMEWORK 1.1, and there may be
more, but I don't know where they are. I removed the
ASP.Net Account(.Net FRAMEWORK 1.1)because it
automatically created an ASP.NET Administrator Account in
User Accounts with its own password which we don't know.
Now, the WindowsUpDate Service says I need the .NET
FRAMEWORK download again!
P.S. We all have internet access, but we can't get a
private home network working! ...what to do?
Troubled but appreciative of assistance.
Home computer? Are they a security threat to us? We are
trying to set up a secure LAN (Home Network): 2 wireless,
1 wired, through a router as a WEP Shared Key Acess
Point. We want to share Internet Acess AND we want to
keep our private LAN seperate from the Internet. We can't
seperate NetBios from TCP/IP. We do not want to be a
Server or IT Developer, or publish our privately shared
folders on the web. But,in downloading the security tool,
MBSA, we loaded the following programs: MSXML w/SDK (MBSA
1.2 wanted us to update the MSXL to the newest version),
MDAC, SQL Server,.NET FRAMEWORK 1.1, and there may be
more, but I don't know where they are. I removed the
ASP.Net Account(.Net FRAMEWORK 1.1)because it
automatically created an ASP.NET Administrator Account in
User Accounts with its own password which we don't know.
Now, the WindowsUpDate Service says I need the .NET
FRAMEWORK download again!
P.S. We all have internet access, but we can't get a
private home network working! ...what to do?
Troubled but appreciative of assistance.