.mda file problem referancing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nadine
  • Start date Start date


I am running Access 2003.
I have creating a code library for my self by putting the function I use
over and over in a .mda file and using it as a reference.

To add the .mda reference I go to the "Tool" in the VBA editor and go to the
"Reference" go to the Browse and type in the location of the .mda file.

The .mda file is located on a shared server. I put it there believing it
would be the easiest for me to manage.

My problem is:
I started to develop a database and referenced my .mda file, and then I
decided to move the .mda file to have others access it.

Then I went back to my developing database and re added the reference to the
..mda file with its new location.

The problems started there. The developing database keeps trying to
reference the .mda file in the old location, but when I look the property of
the .mda file it say the location is the new location.

The other problem I have is once I have the reference working it say I my
devolving database it say it is locked by me.

I have read about changing the registry codes to make my .mda file more like
an add-in, but I was trying to avoid doing this. Reason why I am trying to
avoid this is one I am not familiarly with registry codes, and I do not have
admin rights to any machine that would need to use this .mda file.

I have not tried yet is just rebuilding the developing database and having
the first time I reference it be in the current location.

Thank you for your help on this matter.
Access sabotaged you by copying your MDA from the target location into
a special *AddIns* folder without bothering to tell you about it.
Forever after, that is the copy that will be referenced in the
Tools>AddIns Install and Uninstall operations until such time as you
delete it or over write it with a new copy of your MDA. You can
verify that by doing a Search in Windows Explorer for *YourFile.MDA*
and note everywhere it shows up. When you modify the code in
*YourFile.MDA* you need to delete the old file in the AddIns folder or
over write it with your new file.

Thank you Larry.

I looked for my file but the search found nothing. I am not sure if that is
because I do not have admin rights on my computer .

Sorry for this line form my previous posting "The other problem I have is
once I have the reference working it say I my devolving database it say it is
locked by me"

I ment to say after I referance the .mda file in the VBA editor and go back
to the database to run some of the code the database say it is lock by an
admin and the admin is me. Do you know why this happens?

Thank you again.
Your MDA has to be present somewhere on your system or you couldn't
reference it either as an AddIn or as a library.

I'm not sure why getting into the Code database from the VB Editor is
leaving a lock but have you tried setting every object in the CodeDB
that you open to *Nothing* when you're done?

Try testing the same editing operations from one or more of your
users' machines to see if just possibly they all behave like each
other but differently from your machine. That test will only make
sense if each of your users has their own copy of the FrontEnd on
their own computers - as they should have.

One more off the wall thing to check: is the default open mode of
your MDA set to "exclusive"?

I have no more guesses.
