MD5CryptoServiceProvider question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff
  • Start date Start date


I am using the MD5CryptoServiceProvider to hash my passwords when i
save them to the database. It's all working perfectly on my dev
machine and on the server, however on a co-workers dev machine, it
seems to return different hash values...?

The same code, pointing at the same database, running on two different
WinXP Pro machines... On mine the hash returns and it matches the hash
stored on the DB, on my co-workers a different hash is returned for
the SAME password!

Is there something that i am missing with the MD5 Crypto? Are there
some environment setting or machine settings that this Service
Provider is taking into account when it performs the hash?

here is my hash:
Dim newHash As Byte() = New

Thanks for any help

Can you check with a simple program (A hash and a Console.WriteLine)
to ensure nothing else is going on somewhere else in the code?