Md5 checksum problem

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I'm not sure where to post this....

We have a program written in Visual When it starts, it
verifies that it is loading the correct files by running a MD5 checksum
on the resources directory.

We have a small percentage of users who get an error that the checksums
don't match the expected ones - I have got them to send me a copy of
their resource files and run a bitwise comparison - they are completley

Any ideas what could be causing the error in the checksum process? Why
could different checksums be generated on different PCs? I got one
user to use debug mode to generate a checksum on the resources folder
on his PC, and they are different; so I conclude its a PC issue. Both
are XP home SP2 PCs - are there any new libraries to update perhaps?

I'm not sure where to post this....

We have a program written in Visual When it starts, it
verifies that it is loading the correct files by running a MD5 checksum
on the resources directory.

We have a small percentage of users who get an error that the checksums
don't match the expected ones - I have got them to send me a copy of
their resource files and run a bitwise comparison - they are completley

Any ideas what could be causing the error in the checksum process? Why
could different checksums be generated on different PCs? I got one
user to use debug mode to generate a checksum on the resources folder
on his PC, and they are different; so I conclude its a PC issue. Both
are XP home SP2 PCs - are there any new libraries to update perhaps?

How are you generating the MD5 checksums?