MCSD Solution Architecture exam

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark
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I've taken 4 of 5 exams to get my MCSD. My last exam is the Solution
Architecture exam. At least in my experience, I've been surprised at how
different the difficultly level *felt* between the different exams. 1/2 way
through the web services exam, I thought I had failed (I squeaked it out).
The winforms test struck me as a joke. Mileage will vary, but how does the
Solution Architecture exam compare?

Thanks in advance.

I thought the architecture one was one of the easier ones. If you have a lot
of experience in consulting, it should be pretty easy.

I agree, the WinForms was pretty easy. WebForms was easy-medium. WebServices
had a few zingers, so I feel your pain.

The one that gave me the most grief was the SQL Server test (one of my
electives). I took some samples and was concerned. I bought a MeasureUp
course/test/whatever and that got me through it.

Save for the SQL one, I was a little disappointed with the difficulty of the
tests. I was at TechEd in Dallas in 2002 (I think it was) and, without any
studying, passed 4 tests in the afternoon of one day and the 5th one the
next morning. I had to wait a few weeks to study for the SQL one though. My
buddy did the same thing, except he tried the SQL test and failed :( He's
better than I am, so I knew I was in over my head with the SQL exam.
