MCONCAT only Visible Cells



I use MCONCAT (Laurent Longre's MOREFUNC.XLL). I often need to filter my
spreadsheet and work with only a portion of the data. I was hoping there was
a way to use the MCONCAT to concatenate only the "visible cells".

My spreadsheet looks like this:

ColA ColB
AB 123
CD 456
EF 123

If I filter ColB down to 123, I would like the MCONCAT to concatenate ColA
Values AB and EF.

Thank you for thinking about this.

Best Regards.


Hi Carl

not sure that this is the total solution to your problem, but on my website
( i have a concat_if function, which
concatenates a range based on values in another range ... so you could use
this UDF to do
to end up with

Aladin Akyurek


which you need to confirm with control+shift+enter instead of just with


mmm will have to think about it .. check my website in a month or two -you
never know

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