You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.
Thank you. And so are you
I just find it extremely amusing that your opinion contradicts almost
everything that you read on the security web sites.
And I find it extremely amusing what nonsense security software
vendors can get away with in the name of security. They really make my
Sure! - Beware of being fooled by marketing hype and "common
knowledge". Instead start thinking for yourselves and learn how to use
your computer with security in mind.
Just as a foot-note, I can tell you that I have assisted several
average windows homeusers on security issues. Unless they insist on it
themselves, they are not running any personal firewall. Instead I
harden their machines and teach them about security. Believe it or
not. They seldom have problems.
I personally don't run any personal firewalls on my machines. I don't
run any resident anti-virus software. I don't run any resident
anti-spyware software. I don't run resident anti-adware software.
And still - when I occasionally do a scan, all that shows up are a few
harmless cookies and my eicar files. Now, how can that be? I should be
infected with all kinds of crap, should'nt I?
See, within computer security reducing complexity (e.g. by limiting
the processes running) is better than adding complexity. You don't
make a computer safe by adding a "security product" to an an insecure
base. You make your base as secure as possible (and keep it updated)
and then you run only applications with a reputation of being
relatively safe - which, for example, rules out IE for web surfing.
/B. Nice