I recently installed Mcafee Antivirus to stop the rediculous amounts of
virus emails we receive via our website. However, because my machine
automatically downloads my emails overnight I get a queue of virus
alert messages and I have to click "Continue what I was doing"
repeatedly for about 2-3 minutes each time I come back to my machine.
My question is:
"Is there a way to stop Mcafee alerting me each time it deletes a virus
from a new email and make it silently clean the email without alerting
virus emails we receive via our website. However, because my machine
automatically downloads my emails overnight I get a queue of virus
alert messages and I have to click "Continue what I was doing"
repeatedly for about 2-3 minutes each time I come back to my machine.
My question is:
"Is there a way to stop Mcafee alerting me each time it deletes a virus
from a new email and make it silently clean the email without alerting