Beauregard said:
Updates to "it"? What? McAfee or Firefox?
clicking on update links to open pages in firefox that require IE's
non-standard technologies is probably what mike is talking about...
Firefox is a browser. What would an anti-virus program have to do with it?
plenty... i had mcafee on my work pc and it was the bane of my existence...
av makers that move to an IE based webUI for their products should have
their heads examined... everytime it tried to show any kind of user
interface it kept asking me (multiple times per instance) whether i
wanted to run this script or that activex control...
bad enough to have a brain-dead website that requires IE, but to change
the client-side application so that it's UI depends on IE's rendering
engine is absurd...
FWIW, I (mostly) use Firefox to browse, Thunderbird for mail and
news, Avast! for a-v, Kerio for firewall, and all work fine together.
i use mozilla to browse (i won't change to firefox until the firefox
people wake up and put google search capabilities back into the address
bar), mozilla for mail and news (there aren't many compelling reasons
to go for thunderbird yet), mozilla for calendar, mozilla for contacts,
mozilla composer for rich content documents (where rich content is that
which cannot be produced and rendered by notepad), f-prot for
anti-virus and kerio for software firewall...