Maybe OT - How to edit dll

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sam
  • Start date Start date


I flashed ROM to wm6.5 on my mobile phone. There is a problem with mouse
cursor on the screen (it seems to be a refresh problem, because there are
bad pixels around cursor position after click).
I found mouse.dll library and I would like to try to edit it to solve the
problem. I have no idea how to do it because It is not very easy to do it
with exadecimal editor :)...
so which is the best way?

P.s. Samsung i780 phones have this problem but Omnia doesn't!

P.p.s. If the post is OT, please suggest me where I should post it.

I could handle events that mouse.dll rise(when cursor is moved)...and write
my application that refreshes the screen using winCE API ( like BeginPaint
in coredll.dll).
But mouse.dll is property of samsung ( i think so) can I use it in
my application (using vs2008)?? I tried to import it...but error occur!
please, help me.
You can't be serious. There are a whole lot of reasons this is a bad idea.
Just a few of them are:

1. It's certainly a license violation
2. 6.5 hasn't been released, so you're already likely using some illegal
3. RM DLLs can't just be "changed" and pushed back down to the device.
4. It's a native assembly. Unless you read machine code, you certainly
aren't going to get anything "fixed" and if you could read machine code, you
wouldn't be asking these questions.


Chris Tacke, Embedded MVP
OpenNETCF Consulting
Giving back to the embedded community
Of course...I didn't know! I was making a mistake about wm6.5...I won't use
it anymore...

anyway, I have a i780 phone with wm 6.1 (original) and I can get mouse.dll
file from file system.
Can't I write custom application for a customer that uses mouse cursor


what I assume from your post here is that Samsung provides a DLL on its
WM device which enables a mouse cursor similiar to the one on normal
PCs? Am I right about this?

If yes then it's not normal WM functionality from Microsoft (afaik) so
Samsung would have to provide a documentation about this DLL. Means:
some API description for its functions.

If they provide such a thing chances are that you can plattform invoke
it from CF if you do the proper import declarations of these functions.

=> ask Samsung for a documentation and if they don't provide one move to
europe where it's legal then to take the DLL appart to create software
which is compatible with the DLL. ;-)

After you've got the documentation you might want to come back here to
learn how to plattform invoke DLL functions.


If they provide such a thing chances are that you can plattform invoke
it from CF if you do the proper import declarations of these functions.
Unfortunately they don't provide any documentation :(

If they provide such a thing chances are that you can plattform invoke
it from CF if you do the proper import declarations of these functions.
Unfortunately they don't provide any documentation :(
