You may very well be right. I'm hoping that Microsoft Antispyware will go
out over AutoUpdate. AU works, even over modem connections--folks with
modem connections WILL eventually get SP2, for example, and without noticing
the impact on their connection.
They already get the monthly antivirus shot distributed as a critical
FAQ for Microsoft Antispyware:
Bill said:
-----Original Message-----
I wouldn't complain.
Most machines that I work with have seen either zero
problems, or very few--and sometimes those few are items
which I know about and expected--such
as VNC.
I don't think your experience is necessarily unusual, in
terms of the 6.8 million downloads--if it were, we would
really be swamped here.
I hope that for most people, this program will disappear
into the background of their desktops. They will delete
the icon on the desktop, and perhaps even hide the
system tray icon, but will take notice when it gives a
real-time protection alert, or finds something amiss
after a scan.

I dont think that so many
normal home users have installed this yet.
If you scan a standard home PC without any
spywareprotection you mostly finds 500-700
things to fix. ref AD-aware and Spybot runs.
The first thing you must do is to make sure that
a PC is antivirusprotected. And this is a mess within
home users.
The next thing to look at is servicepacks and
Windowsupdate....... ;( SP2 what ?, havent heard about
it or they have heard that SP2 causes problem.
When you see what a user have it´s really important to
run MSAS or other antispywareprogram BEFORE SP2 install.
We also have a big usergroup with standard modems
and it´s almost impossible for them to maintain safety.
My dream is that MS distributes SP2, MSAS and a basic
antivirusprog on ONE CD. Use all distributions channels
such as pc magazines, electronic stores etc.
Step 1, install virusprog and run.
Step 2, install MSAS and run
Step 3, install SP2
This challenge will be like to climb Mount Everest......