3 days before my system unexpectedly restated and HDD refused to pass
the POST test (Bios detects the HDD name but not the exact name which
was detected before the crash).it just says ***** Hard Disk Fail !
(press F1 to contiune).
i tried everything , changnig the HDD master/slave,primary/secondary.
i even found another same HDD and chanded my HDD's PCB with the other
good one ,with no luck.
showing the HDD to the repair shops around they told me that maxtor
HDD's (my HDD is a Maxtor Diamond Plus 8 40GB) stores even it's size
and serail number on the first track of tghe hdd. (some quality hdd's
use flash roms) and my problem is that track is got broken. hdd is not
recognised by windows nor Fdisk nor PowerQuest's Partiotion Magic. i
didn't tried PowerMax or Diskpatch cause they need a floppy drive which
currently i didn't have .
if repair shop's guesses was correct is there any hope of fixing the
HDD by DIY ways ?
looking forward to your help.
thanks you in advance
the POST test (Bios detects the HDD name but not the exact name which
was detected before the crash).it just says ***** Hard Disk Fail !
(press F1 to contiune).
i tried everything , changnig the HDD master/slave,primary/secondary.
i even found another same HDD and chanded my HDD's PCB with the other
good one ,with no luck.
showing the HDD to the repair shops around they told me that maxtor
HDD's (my HDD is a Maxtor Diamond Plus 8 40GB) stores even it's size
and serail number on the first track of tghe hdd. (some quality hdd's
use flash roms) and my problem is that track is got broken. hdd is not
recognised by windows nor Fdisk nor PowerQuest's Partiotion Magic. i
didn't tried PowerMax or Diskpatch cause they need a floppy drive which
currently i didn't have .
if repair shop's guesses was correct is there any hope of fixing the
HDD by DIY ways ?
looking forward to your help.
thanks you in advance