Sietse Fliege
MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004
"It's finally here!
Saturday, November 22, 2003
After more than two years, new version is finally here!!! Various things
have kept me from actively developing HTML Beauty during that period
("real life" can be quite demanding sometimes, heh), but I've managed to
release a new version now. New version has many new and exciting
features! It would take me some time to list them all, so, I suggest you
to download new version and start exploring! I hope that you'll all
enjoy in new HTML Beauty, as much as I've enjoyed making it! See you
MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004 is advanced HTML editor that can edit as many
files at a time as you want, plus it has advanced customizable syntax
highlighting, undo / redo, drag & drop editing, right-click tag editing,
extended find & replace, template support, project management, auto
updating code snippets, code library, tag case changing capability,
spelling & grammar check and more... There are also 28 Tag Designers for
almost every HTML tag, a Power Toolbar that contains almost all HTML
tags, Built-In Image Browser / Viewer with GIF Optimize function and
ability to convert images to WBMP image format which is used by
WAP-compatible mobile phones, Built-In JavaScript Beauty Scripts
(rollovers, slideshows, etc.), Built-In Support for HTML TIDY, Internal
Preview using Internet Explorer and Mozilla and much more..."
"It's finally here!

Saturday, November 22, 2003
After more than two years, new version is finally here!!! Various things
have kept me from actively developing HTML Beauty during that period
("real life" can be quite demanding sometimes, heh), but I've managed to
release a new version now. New version has many new and exciting
features! It would take me some time to list them all, so, I suggest you
to download new version and start exploring! I hope that you'll all
enjoy in new HTML Beauty, as much as I've enjoyed making it! See you
MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004 is advanced HTML editor that can edit as many
files at a time as you want, plus it has advanced customizable syntax
highlighting, undo / redo, drag & drop editing, right-click tag editing,
extended find & replace, template support, project management, auto
updating code snippets, code library, tag case changing capability,
spelling & grammar check and more... There are also 28 Tag Designers for
almost every HTML tag, a Power Toolbar that contains almost all HTML
tags, Built-In Image Browser / Viewer with GIF Optimize function and
ability to convert images to WBMP image format which is used by
WAP-compatible mobile phones, Built-In JavaScript Beauty Scripts
(rollovers, slideshows, etc.), Built-In Support for HTML TIDY, Internal
Preview using Internet Explorer and Mozilla and much more..."