I need to add 8 panels on a form, each with different controls, that I
switch on the form depending on the functionality. I put three panels one
below the other on the form in the designer view (each panel has width 240,
height 270) and then if I try to drag the form further down, nothing happens.
I can drag the form borders horizontally on the designer though.
Does anyone know what are the maximum limits of a form in the designer view?
Thanks for your time.
I need to add 8 panels on a form, each with different controls, that I
switch on the form depending on the functionality. I put three panels one
below the other on the form in the designer view (each panel has width 240,
height 270) and then if I try to drag the form further down, nothing happens.
I can drag the form borders horizontally on the designer though.
Does anyone know what are the maximum limits of a form in the designer view?
Thanks for your time.