Can some one who knows tell me what the actual maximum
amount of RAM that Windows XP (Home) will allow. I had 1
Gb (2 x 512Mb) and wanted to add a second (Dual Channel) 1
Gb and the system refuses to boot. They are both 400 Mhz
identical pairs. There appears to be a major conflict as
Windows XP wound't even run when I took the additional ram
out and I ended up having to reinstall and start from
scratch (Not a happy camper). Now it works fine with 1 Gb.
The mother board (ASUS P4P800 Deluxe) says it can do it,
is it a limitation of the operating system or a conflict
with another driver (ATI notes problems installing the new
Catalyst driver when running 1 Gb + in XP). I heard the is
switch you can add to the boot.ini file - is it this
amount of RAM that Windows XP (Home) will allow. I had 1
Gb (2 x 512Mb) and wanted to add a second (Dual Channel) 1
Gb and the system refuses to boot. They are both 400 Mhz
identical pairs. There appears to be a major conflict as
Windows XP wound't even run when I took the additional ram
out and I ended up having to reinstall and start from
scratch (Not a happy camper). Now it works fine with 1 Gb.
The mother board (ASUS P4P800 Deluxe) says it can do it,
is it a limitation of the operating system or a conflict
with another driver (ATI notes problems installing the new
Catalyst driver when running 1 Gb + in XP). I heard the is
switch you can add to the boot.ini file - is it this