I just come across this, how can I make a form's height larger than
780 pixels?
Thank you.
I just come across this, how can I make a form's height larger than
780 pixels?
Thank you.
* liups said:I just come across this, how can I make a form's height larger than
780 pixels?
* liups said:Thank you Herfried, but if it is a MDI child form, a user can scroll
it down to see the rest, or if you have a monitor which can do more
than 1024*768, it still makes sense to make a form that large.
I did a form which is 908 pixels in height in VB6, now I'm porting ..
actually re-writing the application in VB.NET, would someone confirm
that if this is a limitation of VB.NET? Is there a work around?
* liups said:Yes, Herfried, it is a MDI child form and it doesn't go any larger
than 780 even I set the size at runtime.
* liups said:But think of MS Word, its page view, the 'client area', the area a
user can work on, is larger in height than most screens, forget the
guidelines, now I need a form that large.
* liups said:Strange, look at the VB6 code I from the frm file:
Begin VB.Form frmMzBd
Appearance = 0 'Flat
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BackColor = &H80000009&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "ÃÅÕï/±ù¶³"
ClientHeight = 13620
ClientLeft = 300
ClientTop = 1185
ClientWidth = 10095
those numbers are in twips, divide them by 15 you get the pixels, it's
a 673*908 form, I made it in 1999, it's true, and I've been using that
application since then, I certainly can notice the difference when my
new form is 128 pixels short.
set the MDI child's height to a value larger than the screen's height.
The property stored the correct value, but the form wasn't shown higher
than the screen.
* "Cor said:This is a VB.net newsgroup,
For VB6 or other classic VB "Turn" to the vb newsgroups
You know it
just for fun
* liups said:Finally I found an answer, and a solution for this, check this: