Maximum number of worksheets in XL



Could any one please let me know the maximum number of sheets we can have in
the one excel file. Thanks in advance.


It will depend on your computers memory. I know someone who tried and said
the computer crashed at around 3000. But those were with no data on them.
(that is hearsay - I didnt witness it) (I believe it used to be limited to

Paul B

raju, from help,

Maximum number of sheets in a workbook Limited by available memory
(default number of sheets is 3; the maximum number of sheets in a default
workbook is 255)
Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
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Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 & 2003

Gord Dibben


Maybe you were thinking of..........New workbooks default sheets is limited to
255 at Tools>Options>General>Sheets in a new workbook.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


I took a look. 255 the maximum # of default of sheets that a workbook can
start with. It is not the limit to number of sheets a workbook can contain.
The limit is only by memory. I had no problem adding 1000 but it was
starting to slow down the copying process (my computer is a few years old).
I couldnt imagine needing much more than that anyway.


Thanks everyone,


It was pretty useful for me as i was supposed to split my files in two excel
file. Now I can continue with existing one.

Still i i'm having one doubt. Whether i can add 255 sheets in excel file as
my system runs on 512 MB RAM.


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