maximize follow up



i saw this on the message board....

Put this code in the Form's Open event:


That should do it.
Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon

where do i find the open "event:" to put "DoCmd.Maximize"

Jeff Conrad


1. Open the form in Design View
2. Go up to the Menu Bar and select View--Properties
This should take you to the properties of the form itself.
This is just one of many ways to get there.
3. On the Event or All tab of the properties list you should see a line that
says, "On Open."
4. Click on that line and you should see a small button appear with three
dots (...) Click on that button and you will be taking to the code area.
5. The code will first look like this:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

End Sub

6. Now just add the maximize code in the middle like so:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

7. Save and close the form.
8. Now every time the form opens it should be maximized.

Hope that helps,
Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon


thanks again. I tried that before and couldnt figure out
why it didnt work i guess i must have had a typo. but
thanks again !

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