Maximize a process window

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sanjay Seshasainam
  • Start date Start date

Sanjay Seshasainam

How can I maximize a process window

I am using the Process class in System.Diagnostics. I can
identify the specific process I want using the window
title after that I want to maximize the window. I can get
the handle for the window using MainWindowHandle how do I
maximize the window ?


Process[] myProcess;
myProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName("process_name");

foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process instance in
string windowTitle = instance.MainWindowTitle;
if ( windowTitle == "WINDOW_TITLE" )
// How can I maximize the window here ??
void *windowHandle =

Call the SendMessage API function through P/Invoke, sending the WM_MAXIMIZE
message to the main process window. As you already have the MainWindowHandle
(you don't need to get a pointer from it, by the way), the rest is pretty

1) Declare the SendMessage prototype with the DllImport attribute (please
refer to MSDN for details on this)
2) Find out the numeric value of the WM_MAXIMIZE constant (look it up in the
winuser.h file. You should have one if you have Visual C++ installed)
3) Call the declared SendMessage method passing necessary parameters.