Maximising the browser



When I maximise my browser window, it only populates the
bottom half of the screen. (so the top of the window is
half way down and the bottom of the window falls off the
bottom) This only happens for Internet explorer. It's
really frustrating. Can someone please help me.


Method 1
Check your Intenet explorer(the Blue "E") Icon Properties
Right click on it>select Properties>in the "run" box. Make sure it is set to
Maximize. If not, use the drop down arrow and select Maximize.Click OK

Method 2
or place your mouse pointer on the title tab of the windows (where it says
Internet explorer), Drag the mouse with the left mouse button(the entire
window will move the direction, which is up in your case. When the IE window
is when you want it, Stop Dragging the mouse,(Release the mouse ). Then hold
down the CTRL key (on your keyboard) and click with the left mouse button
the "X" in the far right corner of the screen to exit IE. (NO NOT use any
other method to exit IE)

Re-start IE, and the window should be either Maximized(by method 1) or where
you dragged it in method 2

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