Table is Communion
fldCommunionID autonumber
fldCommunionDate date
fldCommunicant number relaated to tblSouls fldSoulID
I would like a query to show the groupby communicant and then select each
communicants max date and update that communionDate to a fldLastCommuned in
the tablequerySouls Extended
would this work best as a mudular VBA code I am not to good at doing VBA
code yet
Thanks in advance to ALL who help me out on this
fldCommunionID autonumber
fldCommunionDate date
fldCommunicant number relaated to tblSouls fldSoulID
I would like a query to show the groupby communicant and then select each
communicants max date and update that communionDate to a fldLastCommuned in
the tablequerySouls Extended
would this work best as a mudular VBA code I am not to good at doing VBA
code yet
Thanks in advance to ALL who help me out on this