Max Memory for 2K Advanced

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dave
  • Start date Start date


Does anyone know of a KB article that documents the
possible pitfalls of having more than 8GB of physical
memory on a Windows 2000 Advanced Server? I am
troubleshooting a clients ProLiant DL740 with 16GB RAM
that is getting the "hardware" blue screen, "Hardware
malfunction, contact your hardware vendor. NMI memory
parity error detected." Diags run clean on the noise test
on the memory. I have asked the customer to remove memory
down to 8GB but they refuse stating that the OS should
index/allocate only the allowable memory. I need
something to help push this issue. Thanks in advance..

Tell them that there is either a hardware problem or a memory limit issue.
Removing the memory is the only way to verify if the memory is bad. Remove
8GB and see if problem continues. If it doesn't add memory back one piece at
a time until it does (or all 8GB is back in). Replace any remaining memory
and if it doesn't return, you have the bad module.

If the problem continues, swap the 8GB and repeat.....

This is the only way to verify bad memory and/or memory limits.