does anyone know how to tell if i'm "max-ing" excel out with all the
formulas, conditional formats, tabs, etc i have in a file. I have a model
that is fine for 20 of my users but for my user with the most data, the file
sometimes acts funky....like the view code/event code doesn't work, the
conditioanl formatting comes undone, just didn't know if there was a way to
see if i'm "max-ed" out and should'nt put any more tabs or calcutions in...
the file bytes are 5533kb and has 15 tabs
formulas, conditional formats, tabs, etc i have in a file. I have a model
that is fine for 20 of my users but for my user with the most data, the file
sometimes acts funky....like the view code/event code doesn't work, the
conditioanl formatting comes undone, just didn't know if there was a way to
see if i'm "max-ed" out and should'nt put any more tabs or calcutions in...
the file bytes are 5533kb and has 15 tabs