max fields?

  • Thread starter Thread starter kostadin
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is it possible to make a table with more than 255 fields?
it is very important for my project.
kostadin said:
is it possible to make a table with more than 255 fields?
it is very important for my project.


The desire to make a table with that many fields is "almost certainly" caused by
an improper design. What you are trying to represent in a single table most
likely should be distributed among multiple related tables.

What is the data that you are trying to work with?

No, it is not possible.

It is very likely that the data structure you have in mind is not
"normalised". If you would post back with some more details of the
fields you need, with examples, someone will be able to offer some
good advice as to a valid table design.

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
i know how i can solve the problem but it will be very
difficult. i must remake all my source code. does SQL
support "long" table (with more fields)?
I know that probably there are many solutions for my
project. The main problem is that i didn't check maximum
fields of the table in access. Now i have tons of invalid
vba code.
-----Original Message-----


The desire to make a table with that many fields
is "almost certainly" caused by
That why you should design the Table Structure first and make sure it
satisfies the Relational Database Design Principles before actually
implement it and move on to later stages of the database implemetations
(Queries / Forms /Reports). Even if you can use a temp. work-around, e.g.
breaking into 2 Tables with 1-to1 relationship, there will be other problems

Thus, the only sensible solution is to go back and start with a properly
designed Table Structure.

i know how i can solve the problem
This is curious. If you know how to do it, why didn't you do it
properly in the first place?
but it will be very
difficult. i must remake all my source code.
It may be difficult in the short term, but long-term it will save you
a lot of headaches.
does SQL
support "long" table (with more fields)?

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
Steve Schapel said:


Actually, Steve, it does. According to BOL, a table in SQL Server can have
up to 1,024 fields (and the row size limit is 8,060 bytes)

Of course, just because it's possible doesn't mean it's a good idea!
Sure, Doug. I wasn't relating to SQL Server. I interpreted
Konstantin's question to mean whether in Access he could make a query
with more fields.

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP