Hi, Tobi.
i have a problem with the maximal count from object in my form.
I have now about 500 object in my form.
That's a _lot_ of controls. You may want to reconsider how many controls
are really necessary on this form. Generally, 100 controls is "too busy."
The maximum number of controls that can be added over the lifetime of a form
or report is 754. You've probably deleted a good many already, so you've
reached the limit for this particular form.
You can create a new form from this form by using "Save As." Rename the
form to something else, then right-click on the name of this form in the
Database Window and select "Save As..." on the pop-up menu. Save the new
form using the original name of the form. The maximum number of controls for
this new form is still 754, but with only 500 to start out with, you can add
some more -- if you can find some room to do so.
http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips.
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will be forwarded to me.)
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